Archive for the ‘Video Games’ Category

Last year I wrote a story about my time interning with one of my favorite publishers, MTV Games. Yes, the former publishers of Rock Band. To keep this simple, let’s just say that in the last couple of months they’re not the publishers anymore. Also, rivals, Guitar Hero, have shut their doors in publishing more versions of their franchise, as well.

The story I originally published came under dispute after my time with them came to an end. I was called while on vacation to immediately take down my article. So, now, in hopes that it’s alright, since the team has been dispersed, I’m going to post the original story, unedited below.

The time frame for my internship was from January until April, 2010. – Tony


By definition, camping is the tactic of waiting for enemies to come to the player or useful objects to appear rather than actively seeking them out. By my definition, camping is a strategy that is on the verge of ruining one of the best FPS shooters I’ve ever played: Modern Warfare 2.

I do need to separate the differences between what camping is versus legitimate stealth play. When I talk about playing stealthily, I’m referring to a proper form of play style that requires precision and skill. Posting up in a snipe position and quickly scattering about the map to stay undetected is very different than camp mode. It requires experience and knowledge of the maps at hand. The problem is that the straight-up camp mentality is now a norm in a normally action-packed game. This refers to the players who enter my matches and run to the most desolate and starkly lit corners of rooms in hope to solely wait for myself and others to simply walk by. A non-strategy-strategy, if you will. It’s a disgusting-talentless-trait that sucks any and all life out of the match immediately.
