Tony DaSilva

When I was a kid, I thought the world ended and began based on the release dates of upcoming video games. I also wore a one piece blue pajama outfit with bunny ears every night, kept bugs as pets, sold yard weeds to my neighbors, brought worms in the house, watched my dad watch TV, loved honeycomb cereal even though it gnarled the roof of my mouth, loved looking under rocks for creatures, swore more than my friends, sold my sister her own clothes for money, had a waterbed, had a black PONY half shirt (it rhymed with Tony), did not buy my own clothes, did not pay bills, and was obsessed with Winnie Cooper.

Now, I have to pay the bills, clean my own toilet; don’t have a black PONY half shirt, sit in traffic, don’t believe in Santa, miss my bunny eared one piece blue pajama outfit, chew sugarless gum, don’t wear diapers, but still base much of my life on upcoming video game releases.

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